Thursday 9 October 2014

Curriculum Connections

Curriculum Connections

                Lesson plans created by a teacher as well as those that are child directed all include a variety of curriculum topics. Children naturally develop and express skills in all areas of the curriculum without any intention. Play experiences both individual and shared are amazing opportunities for children to develop and deepen their understanding on an endless amount of topics. When creating strict lesson plans teachers often only plan to teach a single curriculum topic and fail to see all the extended learning that can and does take place. Play experiences are so important for children as they experience so many different aspects of learning. The clear water project an activity mainly dominated by science instruction touches upon many other areas of the curriculum from the FDELK. These areas include language and communication, mathematics while furthering social development. The documentation process is an amazing way to communicate these learning's to teachers, parents and children. It allows all involved to deepen understanding of how children learn and the way in which children go about their learning.

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