Thursday 15 September 2011

V for Vendetta

V for Vendetta

V for Vendetta was a very intriguing movie. It showed the different bias between those of power and those who take orders from people with power. It as well used a variety of different Elements of Narrative to demonstrate different points of the movie. They also allowed the movie to be more entertaining. One of the most important aspects of the movie is the line between good and evil in which I think V plays both, very well. 
I really enjoyed watching V for Vendetta. I found myself on the edge my seat throughout the whole film.  I think the way they laid out the story line by using characters to reveal the past was really creative. It also kept me waiting to see who else would show up causing havoc to unavel. The writer also used a number of twists which changed the course of the movie and the way I viewed each character. For example the chancellor had much more to do with the virus that affected so many then the audience originally believed.  At first I did not like that V’s face was not shown because I didn’t feel like I was able to connect to him, although after giving it some thought I appreciated the mystery involved. At the end of the movie those who had died were at the rally taking off their masks, this made it easier to connect V to all those around him, because he did not have a face he was the face of everyone around him. I also really enjoyed the use of costumes in the movie.
The use of costume was really important in this film. V was dressed from head to toe revealing no skin.  The scene in the movie in which he is not wearing his gloves shows how important being clothed is to V. It allows him to feel less vulnerable and mysterious. Same goes for the mask. Without the mask there would be no mystery to V it also played a large roll in saving his life on more than one occasion.  The costume also help build the aggression toward the government by causing them to kill innocent people assumed to be V.  These actions however could also lead people to believe that V had only bad intentions.
It is hard to pinpoint the intentions of V. On one hand you can see he is trying to gain vengeance on what happened to him, on the other he is trying to good for the country.  I personally believe that V is not a terrorist. He gets lost in his anger and acts upon it but is still working for the greater good. In the end when he decided it is not his choice to blow up parliament that is a major indication that he uses sense and logic rather than irrational behavior that is something terrorists are not able to do.
V for Vendetta was a very interesting movie which demonstrated that the world isn’t always black and white. With the use of costume design, story line and character development a great movie was created.

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