Saturday 12 November 2011

Forrest Gump

  Tom Hanks stars in the classic film Forrest Gump. The film is about the life of a man who is faced with many handicaps. Throughout the film Forrest has many triumphs including meeting three United States presidents and surviving the Vietnam War. Forrest also has his heart broken many times by his childhood friend Jenny.

   This funny film really shows the effects of great acting. Tom Hanks plays the role of a man who is a little slower mentally than most. This film is successful because of Hank's wonderful performance, making the character lovable and truly believable, from his body language to his voice.

   The dialogue in this film is very moving. The line spoken by Forrest, “Life is like a box of chocolates, you never know what you’re going to get”, pretty much plays out the plot for the rest of the film. Forrest comes across many important moments in life that he never expected. Some viewers may not have believed that a man of little intelligence was able to participate and contribute in so many events in history, but I personally take this as inspirational. Forrest Gump shows that no matter who you are or what life hands you if you just live your life to be happy instead of becoming “rich” or “important”, you will receive what you deserve.

   Although Forrest receives so much good in his life time he is never really happy unless he is with his beloved Jenny. Jenny, who Forest fell in love with in his early childhood, abandoned Forrest many times. The love Forrest has for Jenny is the base for the film, everything he does is for Jenny. I found myself happiest at the end of the film when Forrest finally ends up with Jenny because this is when he is at his happiest. Though Jenny dies, Forrest defies the odds again by becoming a full time father.

  This movie is incredible and watching it was like watching a brother grow up; every moment I cared for him and I only wanted what was best for him. When he hurt I hurt. I would give this movie a 9 out of 10.

Shake Hands with the Devil: The Journey of Romeo Dallaire

The documentary Shake Hands with the Devil: The Journey of Romeo Dallaire shows the journey of Dallaire’s trip back to Rwanda for the 10 year anniversary of the genocide. Dallaire brings his wife along and the audience watches as he shows her and others the city of Kigali through his eyes.

    As Dallaire walks through Rwanda he reveals his pain and guilt he feels for the lives of so many Tutsi and Hutu moderates who were brutally murdered. The setting of the film was crucial for this documentary not only for the audiences understanding but as well for the health of Dallaire. By viewing the destinations along-side of Dallaire’s flashbacks the audience gets an in depth look at the horrific events that occurred during the genocide. We are also able to see the effects that the genocide has on people, not only Dallaire but the many people interviewed throughout the film.

   The documentary allows the genocide to become much more realistic to all who viewed this film. Previous films although are factual they do not show real footage or interviews of those involved. This was very effective because I felt true emotion towards those who struggle to understand why they weren’t good enough to save or help. The visuals were so horrific it made me understand the importance of catching genocide in early stages. I know now that if anything like the Rwandan genocide happened again I would like to be one of the hopefully many trying to stop it.

  Although the film was more about the effects on Dallaire and his struggle to cope then the genocide itself. I give this movie a 7 out of 10.

Tuesday 8 November 2011

Shake Hands with the Devil

   Shake Hands with the Devil tells the story of a Liuetenant General on his first mission with the UN. Romeo Dallaire enetered into Rwanada ready to keep the peace, although what seemed like an easy mission quickly turned sour. The Hutus gained power and began a genocide killing Tutsi's and Hutu moderates. With no help from the United Nations or from American and their allies Dallaire sat back an watched as 800 000 people were brutally murdered. Throughout the film the audience witnesses Dallaires struggle with the events that occured in the 1994 Rwanda genocide, both during and after the it happened.

     The costume and make up in this movie was done suppurbly. Due to the fact that the genocide in Rwanda was in fact a real occurence, it was very important to give a true image of the event. The UN soldiers were all dressed in the blue burrets and UN helmets. Roy Dupuis played the role of Romeo Dallaire. He was a great choice for numerous reasons but what sticks out most is his resemblance to the Lieutenant General Romeo Dallaire. This infact makes the movie seem much more real.

   The realism in this movie is almost scary. From killings, to dialogue this movie seemed to nail the facts. Unlike most blockbusters the storyline  of Shake Hands with the Devil is not fabricated. The audience is made to feel as if they were in Rwanda during the time of the genocide. Nothing is left up to interpertaion. To see Dallaire in such a personal place, thereapy really made him a much more likeable character. In other movies such as Hotel Rwanda he was made to look much harsher, although in this film we caught a glimpse of the man inside the soldier.

   Shake Hands with the Devil made me believe in the good of people. It truely showed how one man can make a huge change in the lives of others. I give this movie a 9 out of 10.